Docker For Mac Port Conflicts On Loopback
map(&:to_i) portion open_ports = host open_ports split(',') map(&:to_i) Finding.. -p external port:internal port (e g -p 80:80) if you wanted it to map port 80 in the container to port 80 on the host O/S.. recommendation) end Lets start at the top String#split returns an Array so no need to push it into a new one.. where(port: open_ports) each do|p| Report create(:port => p port,:risk_rating => p.. port IN (YOUR_OPEN_PORTS_ARRAY) Then we just create the reports from this limited list instead of the loop through all Findings and then a loop through open_ports as well. Click
Tell the mysql client to use the port-forwarded TCP port --port 56789 and the mysql client inside the container connects through the ssh tunnel to the remote database. HERE
I am assuming this is the current issue which is comparison of a string with integer for example '80' == 80 #=> false Next rather than loop through all the Findings why not just pull out the one's with matching ports? Finding.. Un-commenting that config resolved the issue At least it forced me to upgrade from boot2docker to docker toolbox, so that's a good thing.
First guess is the python program is explicitly binding to the loopback IP address 127.. 0 0 1 which disallows any remote connections Check the docs for that python mock tornado server for something like --bind=0.. It does however create an Array of Strings so if you need integers #map(&:to_i) will do this for you.. Since Docker 1 5 you can now expose a range of ports to other linked containers using: The Dockerfile command: EXPOSE 7000-8000 or The Docker command: docker run --expose=7000-8000 Or instead you can publish a range of ports to the host machine via Docker command: docker run -p 7000-8000:7000-8000 Not sure if this helps but I wanted to show you how to clean up the implementation a bit.. where(port: open_ports) this will generate a query like SELECT findings * FROM findings where findings. ae05505a44
The most reliable solution I've come across so far is to alias to the loopback 0.. Jul 19, 2017 - Docker for Mac uses Hyperkit to run a xhyve VM for the Docker daemon. HERE